Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > ODBC Driver Query Execution Timeout (NFS 60759)

ODBC Driver Query Execution Timeout (NFS 60759)

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) queries executed in the JADE ODBC driver can now be timed out, by using the QueryTimeout parameter in the [JadeOdbc] section of the JADE initialization file to specify the number of seconds that a query executes before timing out. The default value of zero (0) indicates that there is no timeout. This parameter is valid for the server node in which the ODBC Server application is executing (it sets the default for all queries from all connections) or for the standard (fat) client ODBC driver.

The query timeout can also be set by the ODBC tool submitting the query. This setting overrides the JADE initialization file setting for that statement only.

A new exception 8360 (Query timeout expired) is raised when a query timeout has been set for an ODBC query and that time has expired before the query execution completes.