Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Thin Client Automatic Download (PAR 61337)

Thin Client Automatic Download (PAR 61337)

When a thin client installation was in progress in earlier releases, another initiation of JADE using the same binaries could cause the installation process to fail. JADE uses a file lock when determining the download requirements, but once the thin client installation was initiated, the file lock was lost and the second client could also attempt to perform the installation.

This has now been changed so that the file lock is retained by the JADE thin client install process for standard Windows clients. (This feature is not available in Windows for mobile clients). This prevents multiple clients attempting to perform the same download process. If another JADE thin client is initiated while the first client is processing the download requirements and the application server indicates that a download is required, the file lock is will be detected. If the value of the AskToDownload parameter in the [JadeThinClient] section of the JADE initialization file is set to true, a message box will be displayed (using a temporary copy of jaddinst.exe to do the message box display), informing the client that another client is performing the download and asking him or her to wait. If the value of the AskToDownload parameter is false, the information is output only to the client jommsg.log file. In both cases, the JADE executable terminates with exit code 14165 (The thin client software is currently being downloaded, please wait and try again shortly. The user performing the download is:).

You should not use the same JADE binaries to access different application servers at the same time. If the application servers have different download files, a conflict of interest will occur when two JADE thin clients are initiated at the same time and the installation process will most likely fail with files being in use.