Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > String Arrays and Dictionary Keys

String Arrays and Dictionary Keys

As the 30‑character limit for schema entity names has increased in JADE 7.1 to the maximum of 100 characters (for details, see "Entity Name Maximum Length"), the StringArray class now provides the JadeIdentifierArray subclass, to enable you to store entities instead of in the StringArray subclass, which will no longer be sufficient for storing entities. (The membership string size for a StringArray is 62 and that of the new JadeIdentifierArray is 100.)

If you are using entity names as dictionary keys, you must also consider the size of your dictionary key, as the total size of the key cannot exceed 512 key units. A key unit is a byte for any non‑character data type, or one character for any character data type; that is, key sizes are string‑encoding agnostic. Key sizes also must allow for a null character to terminate any strings; characters are not null‑terminated.