Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Recompiling All Methods (PAR 61988)

Recompiling All Methods (PAR 61988)

The jadclient executable enables you to automate the running of the JadeRecompileAllMethods non‑GUI client application to force a recompile of all methods; that is, methods in error, methods not compiled, and successfully compiled methods.

The JadeRecompileAllMethods application now has the following syntax.

jadclient path=database-path

The list of command line arguments that you can define after the endJade parameter in command=value; format are as follows.

The following example recompiles only those methods that are in error.

jadclient.exe path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\testjade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeRecompileAllMethods endJade notCompiled=false

The default action is to recompile all methods that are in error or are not compiled (that is, the inError and notCompiled arguments default to true).

As the allMethods argument defaults to false, specifying allMethods=true on the command line now allows all methods to be recompiled, including methods currently compiled without error, methods that have been compiled but are in error, and methods that have not been compiled.

The allMethods=true argument overrides the inError and notCompiled arguments.