Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Application Server OpenSSL Cipher Suite (NFS 61541)

Application Server OpenSSL Cipher Suite (NFS 61541)

In earlier JADE releases, only the TLSv1 protocol was supported.

JADE now supports TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. You can now specify the TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.2 value in the SSLMethodName parameters in the [JadeThinClient] and [JadeAppServer] sections of the JADE initialization file. In addition, the methodType property in the JadeSSLContext class now supports the new MethodTLSv1_1 and MethodTLSv1_2 constants defined in the JadeSSLContext class.