Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Custom Control Tab Order (PAR 61929)

Custom Control Tab Order (PAR 61929)

In releases earlier than JADE 7.0.11, tabbing into and within .NET controls in JADE that use Microsoft control subclasses was not handled.

Tab handling for .NET controls in JADE that use Microsoft control subclasses has now been implemented so that tabbing into the control is seamlessly integrated with other JADE controls on the form. If the .NET control has more than one subcontrol that can have focus, tabbing now moves through those subcontrols in .NET TabIndex order. When the TAB key is pressed on the last such subcontrol, focus moves to the next JADE control in the JADE tabIndex order. (SHIFT+TAB performs the same function in reverse tabIndex order.)