Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Ad Hoc Indexes

Ad Hoc Indexes

Ad hoc indexes, which enable you to create indexes suitable for optimizing ODBC ad hoc queries without requiring database reorganization, are defined as a subclass of DynaDictionary, with instances mapped to a RootSchema map file called _sindexes.dat. The _sindexes.dat database file is partitioned (for example, _sindexes_part0000000001.dat), with each ad hoc index instance created in a new partition to facilitate a fast drop index operation, which uses the existing dropPartition operation. The classes that represent index meta data are mapped to the _sindexdefs.dat RootSchema database file. (The _sindexes.dat and _sindexdefs.dat files are of Kind_Utility.)

The Ad Hoc Index Controller application reads from the main database (or from journals when catch‑up is required), and creates and maintains the user‑defined index. The ODBC driver function that performs ODBC queries can then use a combination of ad hoc indexes and collections in the main database to satisfy queries.

The JADE development environment Ad Hoc Index Browser enables you to create or modify ad hoc index definitions, and to drop unwanted indexes. As the ad hoc index definition does not define any meta data, the data is not included when the schema is extracted. The Ad Hoc Index Browser enables you to save an ad hoc index to an Extensible Markup Language (XML) file and to load a saved index. For details, see "Maintaining Ad Hoc Indexes", in Chapter 9 of the JADE Development Environment User's Guide. For details about using the jadclient executable to create indexes suitable for optimizing ad hoc queries without requiring database reorganization, see "Ad Hoc Index Batch Interface", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Runtime Application Guide.