Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Adding User Classes at Run Time

Adding User Classes at Run Time

Your user applications can add user classes at run time. While these user-defined classes are visible in the JADE development environment, they are not considered as part of the JADE model, you cannot reference them directly in JADE methods, they are not extracted, reorganized, and so on.

You cannot add properties to user classes in the JADE development environment. You can only define runtime dynamic properties on user classes. Instances of any lifetime can be created (that is, persistent, transient, and shared‑transient lifetimes).

The following table summarizes the classes and methods that enable you to maintain user classes.

Class Method Description



Creates a user collection class as a subclass of the specified superclass in the receiving schema
Schema addUserSubclass Creates a user class as a subclass of the specified superclass in the receiving schema
Schema deleteUserSubclass Deletes a user class from the specified superclass in the receiving schema
JadeUserCollClass addExternalKey Adds an external key definition to a user class at run time
JadeUserCollClass addMemberKey Adds a member key definition to a user class at run time
JadeUserCollClass clearKeys Clears existing key definitions
JadeUserCollClass endKeys Indicates the end of a single or multiple key definition
JadeUserCollClass setLength Sets or changes the element length for an array
JadeUserCollClass setMembership Sets or changes the membership of a user class at run time

For details, see volumes 1 and 2 of the JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes. See also "Adding User Classes at Run Time", in Chapter 21 of the JADE Developer's Reference.