Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Table Sorting (PAR 63893)

Table Sorting (PAR 63893)

The handling of the Table class sortType property that converts from a string to the specified sort type is based on the current locale used by the application and the value of the EnhancedLocaleSupport parameter in the [JadeEnvironment] section of the JADE initialization file.

In earlier releases in a Windows 10 environment, a change of the default time formatting for New Zealand to use AM/PM format meant that the conversion of a String primitive type to a Time primitive type failed using some JADE methods if the String time included the 'AM/PM' format (in particular, sorting a Table control by a time‑based column failed to sort correctly). JADE now handles an 'AM/PM' string format.

In addition, the Table class sorting for Date and TimeStamp primitive type‑based columns has also changed. In earlier releases, the strings were converted to a Timestamp or Date primitive type using the current locale format. If the string was not in the appropriate format, the sorting failed to produce the required sequence. If the conversion of the date part fails based on the locale format, JADE now attempts to determine the format (d/M/y, M/d/y, or y/M/d) based on the type of data (that is, year length = 4 and whether the month is alpha).