Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > .NET Import and Usage (PAR 63621)

.NET Import and Usage (PAR 63621)

In earlier releases, scaling issues could occur when a .NET control was loaded, as Windows assumed that JADE was not dots per inch (dpi)‑aware. JADE is dpi‑aware if the value of the Form class scaleForm property is true, so that JADE scales the forms according to the current system dpi. However, when a .NET assembly is subsequently loaded, the Microsoft dpi‑awareness handling is invoked and it is assumes that the forms need to be rescaled using its virtualization philosophy, which distorts the displayed forms.

On Windows 8.1 and above, JADE now informs the operating system that it is dpi‑aware (system-wide; not the scaling of each dpi monitor), which prevents Windows from attempting to scale again.