Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Context-Sensitive Help to HTML5 Topics

Context-Sensitive Help to HTML5 Topics

Earlier releases of JADE provided context‑sensitive help from the development environment to the required Portable Document Format .pdf file.

With the provision of the full product information library in both PDF (print) and HTML5 (Web) formats, from JADE release 7.1.07, you can now specify that context‑sensitive help is obtained from .htm topics in the HTML5 Web format of the product information.

Context‑sensitive help to HTML5 topics is controlled by a new UseJadeWebHelp parameter in the [JadeHelp] section of the JADE initialization file. This parameter is true by default, in which case it reads the new JadeHelpBaseUrl parameter. If a value is specified for the JadeHelpBaseUrl parameter, it uses that URL. If the value is <default> or it is empty, the URL is determined by the internal hard‑coded URL for the current release. For example, the [JadeHelp] section of the JADE initialization file could contain the following parameter values.

UseJadeWebHelp  = true
JadeHelpBaseUrl =
# Where the .htm extension is used, .html is also valid.

Set the value of the UseJadeWebHelp parameter to false if you want to continue using context‑sensitive help to specific sections in the appropriate PDF files.