Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Upgrade Validation in a Source-Stripped Database (PAR 63458)

Upgrade Validation in a Source-Stripped Database (PAR 63458)

In earlier releases, the upgrade validation failed if the source was not present or was encrypted for a method that needed to be recompiled.

When upgrading a database that has method source stripped, the methods that need to be recompiled are now marked in error and the upgrade process is allowed to complete and error 8703 (Method could not be recompiled - no source present) is raised, indicating that method source needs to be loaded and the methods recompiled. The list of methods that could not be compiled is output to the jadeupgrade.log file. When the methods marked as requiring source recompilation have been successfully recompiled, the upgrade of the system does not need to be re‑validated after any subsequent schema loads if error 8703 is raised.

The upgrade process now recompiles encrypted methods and the upgrade does not fail if the re‑compilation succeeds.