Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > JADE Debugger (PAR 46099)

JADE Debugger (PAR 46099)

After re-compiling a method while using the JADE debugger, the debugger continues to display the old method source under the following circumstances.

When the application has stopped on a breakpoint and the Continue action is performed, the debugger clears the debugger displays, including the last method shown when the execution stack becomes empty.

If a modal form is displayed, the execution stack does not become empty and the debugger displays are not cleared. If the next breakpoint encountered is in the same method, the debugger retains the currently displayed method.

When the application becomes idle and a modal form is displayed, the debugger clears the debugger displays and the new method source is displayed when a breakpoint is next encountered in that method.

If the method is changed and re‑compiled while the debugger has stopped on a breakpoint in that method (or in another method while that method is on the call stack), the interpreter will not reload that method logic until all copies of the method execution have exited from that method.

The debugger continues to display the old source while breakpoints are only encountered in that method until the application execution again becomes idle.

After a breakpoint is encountered in any other method, any breakpoint subsequently encountered in the changed method displays the new source, regardless of whether the old or new version of the method is being executed.