Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Imported Control Class Event Truncation (PAR 63460)

Imported Control Class Event Truncation (PAR 63460)

Although the maximum size of identifier names was increased to 100 characters in JADE 7.1, the .NET and ActiveX import process restricted the length of imported control events names to 14 characters. When a control is added to a form, event method names became control‑name_event‑name, so if the event name was long and not truncated, to construct a valid event method name meant that the control name had to be unacceptably short.

From this release, imported control event names are restricted and truncated to 49 characters, which allows a control name to be up to 50 characters.

Reloading an assembly that uses the old naming schema retains the previously assigned names so that your existing logic is not affected. As a result, you must delete the assembly and reload it, to get the new naming convention.