Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Web Session Timeout (PAR 63011)

Web Session Timeout (PAR 63011)

In earlier releases, if a user schema re‑implemented the timerEvent method on a WebSession class being used by a Web Service Provider application, JADE did not start the WebSession time-out timer. This caused Web sessions not to time out.

This behavior has been changed so that if the Web session timeout value is set (in the ReadTimeout parameter of the [WebOptions] section of the JADE initialization file, by XML configuration, or in your application logic), when a Web session is created, the time-out timer will be started regardless of whether or not the Web Service Provider application in your user schema has re‑implemented the timerEvent method on the WebSession subclass being used.

To enable the session time out process to function correctly, it is then the responsibility of that re‑implemented method to call the inheritMethod instruction.