Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Synchronized Database Service (PAR 62798, 57217)

Synchronized Database Service (PAR 62798, 57217)

In earlier releases, the JADE Initialization File Reference did not state that the [SyncDbService] section could contain the following parameters. In addition, it was not documented that the maximum value of the JournalXferBlocksize parameter in the [SyncDbService] section has increased from 512K to 1G.





The JournalReadBuffers parameter specifies the number of buffers to use when reading a journal file on disk.

The minimum value for this parameter is 2 and the maximum value is 100.

Parameter is read when …

The SDS service is next initialized.

Applicable to database role…

Primary (applies to journal transfer).

Secondary (applies to journal replay).


Integer prefix multiplier



The JournalReplayBlocksize parameter specifies the size in bytes of each read buffer used when replaying a journal file.

The minimum value for this parameter is 4K and the maximum value is 1G.

Parameter is read when …

The SDS secondary service is next initialized.

Applicable to database role…
