Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > JadeHTTPConnection Class Constants (NFS 62889)

JadeHTTPConnection Class Constants (NFS 62889)

The JadeHTTPConnection class provides the following constants, which were not documented in earlier 7.1 releases.

Name Type and Value Description
Header_Protocol String = "Protocol" Protocol header
State_NoData Integer = 6 No data available; not supported
Verb_CONNECT String = "CONNECT" The CONNECT operation; not supported
Verb_DELETE String = "DELETE" The DELETE operation; not supported
Verb_HEAD String = "HEAD" The HEAD operation; not supported
Verb_OPTIONS String = "OPTIONS" The OPTIONS operation; not supported
Verb_PUT String = "PUT" The PUT operation; not supported
Verb_TRACE String = "TRACE" The TRACE operation; not supported

In addition, the existing State_Failure class constant indicates a failed HTTP connection state; for example: