Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Database Roll-Forward Recovery (PAR 60499)

Database Roll-Forward Recovery (PAR 60499)

A large number of audit records can be written in a second, or even a thousandth of a second. Roll‑forward recovery now provides a finer, more‑specific termination condition capability to support roll‑forward recovery terminating at a specified audit serial number. When rolling forward to an audit serial number, audit records are processed until the audit record serial number is greater than the termination serial number.

The Roll‑Forward Recovery Options group box on the JADE Database utility Initiate Recovery and Restore Database And Roll Forward dialogs now provides the Recover transactions to audit serial number option button and a text box in which to specify the serial number of the last audit record to which committed transactions are recovered.

The batch JADE Database utility provides the optional lastSerialNumber parameter that you can specify for the recover and restore commands instead of the optional recovertTo or lastJournal parameter, to specify the last audit record to which committed transactions are recovered.

The following exceptions can be raised.