Product Information > JADE Platform Differences Guide > Chapter 2 - Differences between Compact JADE and Standard JADE > GUI Differences when Running Compact JADE

GUI Differences when Running Compact JADE

You can run only a deployed JADE application on Compact JADE. The JADE development environment is not supported.

Compact JADE does not use JADE initialization files. For details about configuring JADE on a Windows Mobile device, see "Configuring Compact JADE", in Chapter 2 of the JADE Installation and Configuration Guide.

When you run Compact JADE:

In addition, the TcpIpConnection class readUntil and readUntilAsynch methods under Compact JADE raise exception 1068 (Feature not available in this release), because certain operating system features are not available on Windows Mobile devices.

See Appendix A of the JADE Thin Client Guide for details about: