Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 2 - Compact JADE under Windows CE > Configuring Compact JADE

Configuring Compact JADE

Compact JADE can be run in the thin client configuration on Windows Mobile devices.

For details about accessing JADE applications from IIS or the Apache HTTP Server, see "Connecting to JADE Applications from Internet Information Server (IIS)" or "Connecting to JADE Applications from an Apache HTTP Server", in Chapter 3.

The Compact JADE control panel configuration program jadeconfig.cpl enables you to:

With the release of Windows Mobile 6.5.3, Microsoft has moved the OK and X buttons from the top of a maximized form to the soft menu bar at the bottom of the screen. However, as JADE creates a user‑defined menu bar and Windows does not add the OK or X button to that type of menu bar, users could not close a maximized form. For all supported versions of Windows Mobile:

If you want your application to retain the previous JADE menu bar style:

  1. Ensure that the form is created with three or more visible top‑level menu items (or one with an image).

  2. In the load event of the form, hide any menu items that do not need to be shown. If the number of menu items is decreased to two or fewer, the menu bar style remains as user‑defined.

    However, if the number of visible top‑level items is increased beyond two, Windows changes the menu bar to a user‑defined style and the X or OK button will again not be displayed.

The Compact JADE installation process automatically installs the Compact JADE control panel configuration program jadeconfig.cpl in the \Windows directory. When the file is located in the \Windows directory of the Windows Mobile device, the JADE icon is displayed with a caption of Compact Jade in the System folder of the Settings menu of the Windows Mobile device.

The thin client download install program automatically copies any downloaded .cpl files into the \Windows directory.

Click the Compact Jade icon in the System folder, to display the Startup sheet of the Configure Compact Jade dialog.

To define your Compact JADE start-up options

  1. In the Schema text box, specify the name of the schema that you want to invoke.

  2. In the App text box, specify the name of the application that you want to initiate.

  3. In A/S Host text box, specify the application server host address.

  4. In the A/S Port text box, specify the application server port number.

  5. Click the Ini File Options tab at the lower left of the dialog, to display the Ini File Options sheet. The Ini File Options sheet enables you to view and modify JADE initialization options stored in the Windows registry.

    The Named combo box currently contains only the name of the CompactJade registry entry that holds all of the JADE initialization sections, and this value cannot be changed. (It is included for possible future enhancement.)

  6. In the Section combo box, select the section name that you require from the list of all defined sections in the JADE initialization CompactJade registry section.

    If the selected section has no defined parameters (keys), the Delete Key button is displayed as the Delete Section button, enabling you to delete the selected JADE initialization section.

  7. In the Key combo box, select the parameter that you require from the list of all of the parameters defined within the JADE initialization section selected in the previous step.

  8. In the Value text box, modify the displayed value of the selected parameter to meet your requirements.

  9. To add a new JADE initialization section, click the Add Section button. This button is enabled only if the name displayed in the Section combo box in step 6 of this instruction has been modified so that it does not match the name of an existing JADE initialization section.

  10. Click the Update Value button to set the value of the selected parameter to the contents of the Value text box or to create a new parameter with the value specified in the Value text box if the value displayed in the Key combo box has also been modified so that it does not match the names of an existing parameter in the JADE initialization section displayed in the Section combo box.

  11. Click the Delete Key, to delete the parameter currently selected in the Key combo box.

  12. Click OK button at the top right of the dialog to save any changes made to these controls and to close the program.

The changes made using this dialog are immediate, and are saved independent of clicking the OK button.