Product Information > JADE Installation and Configuration Guide > Chapter 3 - Configuring JADE > Connecting to JADE Applications from Internet Information Server (IIS)

Connecting to JADE Applications from Internet Information Server (IIS)

Your connections from the Internet Information Server (IIS) to JADE applications are via a TCP/IP connection. (For more details, see "Configuring JadeHttp for Remote Connections", later in this chapter.)

To implement a TCP/IP connection from IIS to JADE applications, define a section within the jadehttp.ini file for each application, with the ApplicationType parameter and unique multiple TcpPort[n], MinInUse[n], MaxInUse[n], TcpConnection[n], CloseDelay[n], and ConnectionGroup[n] parameters within each [application-name] section. Set the ApplicationType parameter in each [application-name] section to RestServices, WebEnabledForms, WebServices, or HtmlDocuments. The following is an example of these parameters.

ApplicationType = HtmlDocuments
TcpConnection   = Host1a
TcpPort         = 22000
MinInUse        = 2
MaxInUse        = 10
CloseDelay      = 600
TcpConnection2  = Host2a
TcpPort2        = 22001
MinInUse2       = 2
MaxInUse2       = 10
CloseDelay2     = 600