Product Information > JADE Object Manager Guide > Chapter 4 - JADE System Instrumentation and Diagnosis > ProcessprofileMethod Method

Process::profileMethod Method

profileMethod(m: Method;
              b: Boolean);

The Process class profileMethod method selects or deselects a method to be profiled for the target process used as the method receiver.

You would usually call this method before dynamic method profiling is started for the target process using the beginMethodProfiling method with the option parameter set to 2 or 3, to indicate a subset of methods are to be profiled.

The m parameter is a Method object reference, which can be a JADE method or an external method.

The b parameter indicates if the method is to be added to or removed from the list of nominated methods. If the value of the b parameter is true, the method is added. If it is false, the method is removed.

You can call the method when dynamic method profiling is already in effect for the target process. Changes to the list of nominated methods take immediate effect.

The method has no effect if you call it to add a method that is already in the list of nominated methods. Similarly, it has no effect if removing a method that is not in the nominated list. The list of nominated methods is retained until the removeMethodProfileInfo method is called or the target process terminates.