Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > beginMethodProfiling


beginMethodProfiling(option: Integer);

The beginMethodProfiling method of the Process class starts dynamic method profiling for the receiving Process instance, which can be any current process including processes running on other nodes.

This method is not available on a Compact JADE node, where it would result in a 1068 - Feature not available exception.

The values for the option parameter and the corresponding range of methods to be profiled are listed in the following table.

Value Profiles …
1 All called methods, whether nominated or not
2 Nominated methods and their nested method calls
3 Nominated methods only

Methods are nominated using the profileMethod method of the Process class.

The following actions occur if the beginMethodProfiling method is called when profiling is already in effect for the target process.

  1. Profiling information is reset

  2. The profiling option is adjusted to match the option parameter

  3. The list of nominated methods is retained

One process can start dynamic method profiling on a target process, and a different process can clear or end the profiling.

Methods specified as serverExecution are not profiled, unless executed from server applications or in single user mode.