Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 5500 through 5599   License Errors

5500 through 5599   License Errors

This section describes the licensing errors that can be returned when you are installing JADE.

5500 - Registered license name is invalid

5501 - License key is invalid

5502 - License key is incomplete

5503 - You have exceeded the number of Development Licenses

5504 - You have exceeded the number of Process Licenses

5505 - This is an unregistered copy

5506 - The expiry date of this copy has passed

5507 - A Primary Database license key is required for installation

5510 - Free Developer License cannot be used to register this system

5512 - An unknown error occurred while trying to register the database

5513 - One or more of the parameters specified was invalid

5517 - License does not match version of Jade

5518 - Non-compact license can not be used on compact device

5519 - Compact license can not be used on non-compact device

5520 - Invalid License Type