Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3400 through 3499 - Database Reorganization Errors > 3400 - Unable to reorganize class: refer to JOMREORG.LOG

3400   Unable to reorganize class: refer to JOMREORG.LOG


This error occurs if JADE is unable to reorganize the requested class.


Refer to the reorganization (jomreorg.log) log file in the directory identified by the TEMP environment variable or in the current directory. The log file contains the class in which the error occurred, to enable you to correct your data before beginning a successful reorganization.

A common data error that can make a reorganization fail is if duplicate keys are found when you have not specified Duplicates Allowed in your class definition. The following steps provide an example of the actions to be taken to correct this situation.

  1. Check the reorganization log file to determine the class that contains duplicate keys.

  2. Open the Define Class dialog for the required class (by selecting the Change command from the Classes menu) and then check the Duplicates Allowed check box on the Keys sheet to allow duplicate keys for that class.

  3. Initiate the reorganization of the class or classes in which the data errors were detected.

  4. When the reorganization has completed, write additional code to remove the duplicate keys from the collection (for example, by using a method in the JadeScript class).

  5. Uncheck the Duplicates Allowed check box on the Keys sheet of the Define Class dialog to disallow duplicate keys, if required.

  6. Initiate the reorganization of your schema again.