Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3400 through 3499   Database Reorganization Errors

3400 through 3499   Database Reorganization Errors

This section describes errors that can be returned when reorganizing your database.

3400 - Unable to reorganize class: refer to JOMREORG.LOG

3404 - Reorg operation cancelled by user request

3406 - Constraint is not compiled

3407 - An incomplete reorg must be either restarted or aborted

3408 - Database reorganization failed

3411 - Database reorganized cannot be initiated from a Secondary Server

3412 - Previous incomplete schema load must be restarted

3413 - Reorg is suspended waiting for the transition to be initiated

3414 - Reorg cannot be restarted, reorg must be aborted

3415 - Schema cannot be unversioned, dependent schemas exist

3416 - Reorg cannot be initiated when a schema compile is in progress

3417 - Transition must be initiated in singleuser if production mode is set

3418 - Database reorganization in progress

3419 - Schema cannot be unversioned after onlyStructuralVersioning load

3420 - RPS reorg extract on primary failed

3421 - Reorg auxiliary server node has not been configured

3422 - Reorg auxiliary server node has not been initialised

3423 - Reorg auxiliary server node error

3424 - Reorg error chasing keypath for fastbuild extract

3425 - Reorg collection FastBuild found duplicate key entry

3426 - Reorg restart requires reorgJournal - restore it or abort the reorg

3427 - Reorg journal is corrupt - abort the reorg