Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 31700 through 31899 - Messaging Framework Errors > 31741 - Queue is protected - access refused

31741   Queue is protected - access refused

This error occurs if you try to open a queue with the Access=Protected option and you do not specify the correct AccessPassword. To access a queue that is created with the Access=Protected option you must specify the correct password.

In the following example, the openQueue method of the JadeMessagingFactory class is used to create a queue with the password specified by the option AccessPassword='East'.

myQueue := factory.openQueue("JadeMQ://localnode/TestQ",                                                         "Access=Protected; AccessPassword='East'");

Subsequently the following attempt is made to access the queue using an incorrect password.

myQueue := factory.openQueue("JadeMQ://localnode/TestQ",                                                         "Access=Protected; AccessPassword='West'");


Correct your code.