Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 31700 through 31899   Messaging Framework Errors

31700 through 31899   Messaging Framework Errors

This section describes error messages that can occur when systems communicate using messages and message queues.

31700 - Method and-or parameter unsupported

31701 - Memory allocation failed

31702 - Object must be process transient

31704 - Handle address space error

31706 - String parameter has embedded null

31707 - String parameter has non-US-ASCII characters

31708 - String parameter has invalid characters

31709 - Queue fullname format invalid

31710 - Transport name unknown

31713 - Option name too long

31715 - Option name has invalid character

31716 - Option name not recognized

31717 - Option must have value

31718 - Option value not recognized

31720 - Quoted text has no matching trailing quote character

31721 - Option value has invalid character

31722 - Option expects name value

31723 - Option expects numeric value

31724 - Option expects quoted text value

31725 - Option value is invalid

31727 - Messaging module is closing down

31728 - Message length exceeds transport limit

31729 - Property is readonly

31730 - Negative time offset

31731 - Cannot modify message attributes

31732 - Cannot append to message body

31733 - Message class is not compatible with queue transport

31734 - Queue is not open

31735 - Only localnode queue manager is currently supported

31737 - Option must not have value

31738 - Queue does not exist

31739 - Queue already exists - create refused

31740 - Queue is private - access refused

31741 - Queue is protected - access refused

31742 - Queue is guarded - access refused

31744 - ReplyQueueName transport must match message transport

31745 - CorrelationID value is too long

31746 - Message format value is too long

31747 - Message not initialized for put

31748 - Message not initialized for get

31749 - Message parameter is null

31752 - PutMessage timeout waiting for queue space

31753 - Attribute value too small

31754 - Masked queue name too long

31755 - Queue name too long

31756 - ReplyQueueName cannot include masked queue name

31757 - Only the queue creator can change this property

31758 - Queue not opened for put

31759 - Queue not opened for get

31760 - Queue not opened for inquiries

31761 - Option not supported

31762 - Property is writeonly

31763 - Expected a semicolon between options

31764 - Queue already opened with Usage=Get

31767 - Message length exceeds queue limit

31768 - Invalid property name

31769 - Unrecognized property name

31770 - Unsupported property type

31771 - User property exceeds available space

31772 - User property value exceeds 9999 bytes

31776 - Transport table is full

31777 - Type of user property is incompatible with value parameter

31778 - Correlation ID list has too many entries

31779 - Invalid body tuple name

31780 - Unsupported body tuple type

31782 - Body text is not valid tuple format

31783 - Type of bodyTuple is incompatible with value parameter

31785 - IBMWMQ exception

31786 - IBMWMQ does not support this feature

31788 - IBMWMQ invalid MQSERVER option value

31789 - QueueManager is unknown

31790 - QueueManager name too long

31791 - IBMWMQ queue open must have explicit Usage option

31792 - IBMWMQ unable to start background thread

31796 - IBMWMQ Model open option is required with masked queue name

31797 - Body must be empty for first appendBodyTuple() call

31798 - Message not initialized for put or begin

31799 - beginMessage already called for this message

31800 - putMessage following beginMessage must have empty options parameter

31801 - putMessage following beginMessage must use the same queue

31802 - IBMWMQ getMessageByCorrelId is limited to one correlationID value

31804 - Attribute value must be greater than or equal to zero

31806 - Reply QueueManager name is unknown

31807 - Reply Queue name is unknown

31809 - Queue name is prohibited

31813 - Queue not opened for modify

31820 - Option takes a single value

31832 - IBMWMQ QueueManager disconnected

31833 - PutMessage interrupted waiting for queue space