Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 15000 through 15099   JADE Print Errors

15000 through 15099   JADE Print Errors

This section describes the errors that you could encounter when printing with JADE.

15001 - Print must be of a frame

15002 - New page on printer failed

15003 - Printer not open

15004 - Textout to printer failed

15005 - Open of printer failed

15006 - Header and footer larger than page depth

15007 - Frame larger than page depth

15008 - Printing started - change of printPreview ignored

15010 - Printing started - change of copies ignored

15011 - Orientation value must be Portrait (1) or Landscape (2)

15012 - Printer internal construction of a page failed

15013 - Printer is currently open

15014 - Failed to obtain local and favorite printers

15015 - Printing cancelled

15016 - Printing stopped

15017 - Supplied printer does not match local and favorite printers

15021 - No default printer exists for this user

15023 - Printing started - change of printer ignored

15024 - The print position must be }= 0 and less than printer.pageHeight

15025 - The printUnformatted request failed

15027 - PaperSource value is invalid

15028 - Duplex value is invalid

15029 - Printing started - change of duplex option ignored

15030 - Printing started - change of collate option ignored

15031 - Printer object in use in print preview cannot be reused

15032 - DocumentType is invalid

15033 - Error occurred during playback of print meta file

15034 - Failed to get page dimensions