Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 1400 through 1499 - Miscellaneous Runtime Errors > 1402 - Date is not valid

1402   Date is not valid


This error is raised by methods of the Date primitive type when the receiver is not a valid date.

The Date primitive type isValid method returns whether a date is a valid Gregorian date (that is, it is within the valid internal representation range of 24th November ‑4713 through 31st December 1465072 Gregorian).

Gregorian dates can be invalid in non‑Gregorian calendars; for example, some Arabic calendars do not accept dates before 1318. This error can occur when testing a non‑Gregorian date for validity in that calendar or when testing that the equivalent Gregorian date is valid.


Determine the cause of the invalid date and correct the code that led to the error. The method and source position containing the Date method call at which the exception was raised are reported in the error description.