Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 1400 through 1499   Miscellaneous Runtime Errors

1400 through 1499   Miscellaneous Runtime Errors

This section describes the general errors that can be returned at run time.

1400 - The receiver has already registered a timer with the specified tag

1401 - The operating system failed to start the timer

1402 - Date is not valid

1403 - Operation is not valid because Date is null

1404 - hours, minutes, and seconds parameters are not valid

1405 - Failed to obtain the JADE installation directory

1406 - Result of expression overflows Integer precision

1407 - Invalid argument passed to method

1408 - Cannot create a persistent instance of this class

1409 - Compress operation failed

1410 - Uncompress operation failed

1411 - Attempt to add unknown system file

1413 - Index used in string operation is out of bounds

1414 - Method called with an incorrect number of parameters

1415 - An internal JADE software exception occurred

1416 - Unicode to Ansi conversion failed

1417 - Ansi to Unicode conversion failed

1418 - Unicode UTF8 file contains illegal byte sequence

1419 - The application could not be started due to a lock error

1420 - Base64 Decoding failed

1422 - Result of expression overflows Decimal precision

1423 - Dynamic Object property index out of range

1424 - Dynamic Object not correctly initialised

1426 - Dynamic Object property type mismatch

1427 - Dynamic Object property name mismatch

1429 - Cannot access a JadeAuditAccess object created on a different Node

1430 - Current record is not an Object

1431 - Invalid class number map file format

1432 - Class map is already defined

1433 - Dynamic Object property name conflict

1434 - Invalid code point when converting Unicode character

1435 - Requested timer has expired-timed out

1436 - Required log file is not currently open

1437 - UNICODE codepoints greater than U+FFFF not supported

1438 - UTF8 character to Native character conversion failed

1439 - Native string to UTF8 string conversion failed

1440 - Result of expression overflows Integer64 precision

1441 - Result of expression overflows Byte precision

1442 - StringUtf8 values containing surrogate characters are not supported

1443 - MemoryAddress is not valid for current Node

1444 - Invalid Unicode UTF-16 surrogate sequence

1445 - Supplied codepage, or codepage derived from LCID is unsupported on this system

1446 - Result of expression underflowed Integer precision

1447 - Result of expression underflowed Integer64 precision

1448 - A memory allocation request failed

1450 - An incomplete package can not be opened

1451 - Delta identifier does not exist

1452 - String printf format text missing or invalid

1453 - String printf text exceeds maxLength

1454 - The SystemSequenceNumber name is invalid

1455 - The SystemSequenceNumber initial value cannot be negative

1456 - The SystemSequenceNumber has reached the maximum value (Max_Integer64)

1457 - Error populating Formatter from locale info. See jommsg.log

1458 - Formatter has not been populated

1459 - LCID parameter value is not recognized

1460 - Invalid format string passed to Date-Time formatter. See jommsg.log

1461 - LCID parameter value is not an installed locale

1463 - LCID parameter value is not an installed locale on Thin Client machine

1464 - SetThreadLocale failed at Thin Client machine

1465 - Incompatible Dynamic object format, eg. Ansi to Unicode