Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > ProxyHost


String (host-name or IP-address)

Not specified


When the value of the ProxySettingsLocation parameter is set to ini, the optional ProxyHost parameter specifies the host name or IP address number of the proxy server controller through which a connection is made to the host server.

If the value of the ProxySettingsLocation parameter is set to ini and this parameter is not defined or a parameter value is not specified, the value of the proxy host property in the JadeTcpIpProxy class instance is used.

If your application is behind a firewall and your network administrator requires connections to the Internet to be done through a proxy server, this parameter and the ProxyPort parameter identify the proxy server controller through which connections are made to the host server.

Parameter is read when …

An application first uses the JadeTcpIpProxy class.

This parameter applies only when the JadeTcpIpProxy class proxyType property is set to ProxyType_Auto and the ProxySettingsLocation parameter is set to ini.