Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > proxyType


Type: Integer[4]

The proxyType property of the JadeTcpIpProxy class contains the proxy server communications protocol through which client nodes connect to the host server.

Only the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) proxy type and the connect part of the SOCKS V4 protocol is implemented (that is, SOCKS V4 binding is not implemented).

The constants provided by the JadeTcpIpProxy class for the proxyType property are listed in the following table.

Class Constant Integer Value Comment
ProxyType_Auto 0 The default value.
ProxyType_Direct 5 Protocol allowing a reference from a TcpIpConnection object to a JadeTcpIpProxy object to be defined, but the network connection will not attempt to connect via a proxy server.
    The behavior is equivalent to having the TcpIpConnection class networkProxy property set to null.
ProxyType_Http 1 Protocol allowing redirection based on domain that is currently supported.
ProxyType_Https 4 Attempts to connect to the destination host via a proxy that supports the HTTP CONNECT protocol.
ProxyType_Socks4 2 Connect part only is implemented in this release.

When the proxyType property is set to ProxyType_Auto (the default), you can retrieve network proxy settings automatically, by using the parameters in the [JadeClient] section of the JADE initialization file listed in the following table. (For details, see "JADE Object Manager Client Module Section [JadeClient]", in the JADE Initialization File Reference.)

Parameter Specifies…
ProxyAutoconfigUrl The name of URL used for automatic configuration of the client node, used only when the ProxySettingsLocation parameter is set to ini.

Where proxy configuration details are defined. The settings location can be one of the following values.

  • Undefined (defaults to registry)

  • auto (retrieves network proxy settings automatically)

  • direct or none (direct network connection that does not attempt to connect via a proxy server and is equivalent to having the TcpIpConnection class networkProxy property set to null)

  • environment (looks for the http_proxy environment variable, to obtain proxy host and port numbers)

  • ini (read further settings from the ProxyAutoconfigUrl, ProxyHost, ProxyPort, and ProxyType parameters)

  • mozilla or netscape (read values from the file specified in the MozillaPrefs parameter in the [JadeClient] section of the JADE initialization file)

  • registry (read settings from the Windows registry)

ProxyHost The host name or IP address number of the proxy server controller through which a connection is made to the host server, used only when the ProxySettingsLocation parameter is set to ini.
ProxyPort The valid port number of the proxy server controller through which a connection is made to the host server, used only when the ProxySettingsLocation parameter is set to ini.
ProxyType The proxy server communications protocol through which client nodes connect to the host server, used only when the ProxySettingsLocation parameter is set to ini.

For examples of reimplementing JadeTcpIpProxy class functionality, see "Proxy Communication Code Examples", earlier in this chapter. See also "Considerations when Implementing JadeTcpIpProxy Class Features", earlier in this chapter.