Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > wrapVisualFlags


Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The wrapVisualFlags property of the JadeTextEdit control contains the way in which visual flags are displayed to indicate that a line of text is wrapped when the wrapMode property is set to SC_WRAP_WORD.

When word wrapping is enabled, small arrows are used as visual flags at end of a continuation line of a wrapped line or at the beginning of the next continuation line. When visual flags are displayed, the flag at the beginning of the next continuation line is indented by one character.

The wrapVisualFlags property can be set to one of the JadeTextEdit class constants listed in the following table.

Class Constant Value Visual flags …
SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_END 1 Are displayed at the end of a continuation line of a wrapped line
SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_END_BY_TXT 3 At the end of continuation lines are drawn near to the text rather than near to the border of the text editor
SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_NONE 0 Are not displayed in wrapped lines (the default value)
SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_START 2 Are displayed at the start of a continuation line of a wrapped line and the continuation line is indented by one character to accommodate the visual flag
SC_WRAPVISUALFLAG_START_BY_TXT 4 At the start of continuation lines, are drawn near to the text rather than near to the border of the text editor