Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > wrapMode


Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The wrapMode property of the JadeTextEdit control contains the way in which lines of text that exceed the text editor line length are wrapped to fit within the client area.

The wrapMode property can be set to one of the JadeTextEdit class constants listed in the following table.

Class Constant Value Description
SC_WRAP_NONE 0 Disables line wrapping (the default value)
SC_WRAP_WORD 1 Enables line wrapping

When line wrapping is enabled, lines wider than the client window width continue on the following lines. Lines are broken after space or tab characters or between characters of different text styles. However, if a word in one style is wider than the window, the break occurs after the last character that completely fits on the line. When wrap mode is enabled, the horizontal scroll bar is not displayed.

When wrapping is enabled, the HOME and END keys move the caret to the start and end of a text line, respectively, as opposed to a display line.

New line characters are not inserted in the text at the wrapping point. Wrapping brings into view the right-hand side of long lines that are normally outside the display area.

Use the edgeMode property if you want an indication when a line reaches a specified length; for example, as a format convention that limits lines to 80 characters.