Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > getMonitorArea


getMonitorArea(left:   Integer output;
               top:    Integer output;
               width:  Integer output;
               height: Integer output);

The getMonitorArea method of the Window class retrieves the full area of the current monitor on which the window resides.

The getMonitorArea method parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
left Obtains the left point of the monitor area
top Obtains the top point of the monitor area
width Obtains the width of the monitor area
height Obtains the height of the monitor area

Use the Window class getDeskTopWorkArea method to retrieve the available desktop area of the primary monitor. (For details about running an application on a workstation with multiple monitors, see "Window Class", earlier in this document.)