Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > getDeskTopWorkArea


getDeskTopWorkArea(lft:  Integer output;
                   tp:   Integer output;
                   wdth: Integer output;
                   hgt:  Integer output);

The getDeskTopWorkArea method of the Window class retrieves the size of the desktop work area (that is, the area outside the system taskbar and application desktop toolbars), based on the values specified in the parameters listed in the following table.

Parameter Obtains the…
lft Left point of the desktop work area
tp Top point of the desktop work area
wdth Width of the desktop work area
hgt Height of the desktop work area

When the workstation is running multiple desktops, the getDeskTopWorkArea method returns the available desktop area of the primary monitor. See also the Window class getMonitorArea and getMonitorWorkArea methods.