Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > Frame Properties

Frame Properties

The properties defined in the Frame class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
alignChildren Specifies whether child controls placed inside the frame are aligned
alignContainer Specifies whether the control aligns itself to its parent container so that the frame automatically resizes with the container
alignment Contains the alignment of the text in a control
allowDocking Controls the type of docking that is allowed by the window
bevelColor Contains the color used to paint the bevel areas of a 3D control
bevelInner Contains the style of the inner bevel of the frame and status line controls
bevelInnerWidth Contains the width of the bevel along the four sides of the frame to determine the height of the three-dimensional shadow effect
bevelOuter Contains the style of the outer bevel of the frame
bevelOuterWidth Contains the width of the bevel along the four sides of the frame to determine the height of the three-dimensional shadow effect
bevelShadowColor Contains the color used to paint the bevel areas of a 3D control
boundaryBrush Specifies whether the boundary area is a plain color or is painted with a dotted brush
boundaryColor Contains the color of the boundary area
boundaryWidth Contains the width of the boundary area
caption Contains the text displayed in the title bar
clipControls Specifies whether the Windows environment creates a clipping region that excludes controls contained by the object
transparent Causes the control to be placed above all other sibling controls and the controls underneath to be visible
wordWrap Specifies whether text displayed in a caption advances to the next line when the current line is filled

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.