Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > bevelShadowColor


Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The bevelShadowColor property contains the color used to paint the bevel areas of a three-dimensional Frame or StatusLine control.

For a raised bevel (a control where the bevelInner or bevelOuter property is set to Bevel_Raised (2)), the bevelShadowColor property applies to the bevel portion on the bottom and right sides of the control.

For an inset bevel (the bevelInner or the bevelOuter property is set to Bevel_Inset (1)), the bevelShadowColor property applies to the bevel portion on the left side and the top of the control.

JADE uses the RGB scheme for colors. Each property can be set by using the appropriate RGB value.