Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > Printer Properties

Printer Properties

The properties defined in the Printer class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
autoPaging Specifies whether the system is to control the incrementing of the page number for each page
bottomOfPage Contains the margin at the bottom of the printed page of output
collate Specifies whether the print output is collated
copies Contains the number of copies to be printed
documentType Contains the printer form type
drawFillColor Contains the color used to fill in shapes drawn with the printer graphics methods
drawFillStyle Contains the pattern used to fill the shapes drawn using the printer graphics methods
drawFontBold Used when constructing the font used for drawing text
drawFontItalic Used when constructing the font used for drawing text.
drawFontName Used when constructing the font used for drawing text
drawFontSize Used when constructing the font used for drawing text
drawFontStrikethru Used when constructing the font used for drawing text
drawFontUnderline Used when constructing the font used for drawing text
drawStyle Defines the line style for output from printer graphics methods
drawTextAlign Contains the alignment used when outputting text on the printer using the drawTextAt and drawTextIn methods
drawTextCharRotation Specifies the angle in degrees between each characters base line and the x axis of the device
drawTextRotation Specifies the angle in degrees between the base line of the text output and the x axis of the page
drawWidth Contains the line width for output from printer graphics methods
duplex Contains the duplex setting for the print output
footerFrame Contains the frame that is printed automatically at the end of each page
headerFrame Contains the frame that is printed automatically at the beginning of each page
leftMargin Contains the left margin of the printed page of output
orientation Contains the orientation of your printed output
pageBorderWidth Specifies whether a border is to be printed around the page
pageNumber Contains the page number to be printed in a label or text box
paperSource Contains the paper source, or tray, for the print output
printPreview Specifies whether the printed output is to be directed to the preview file
printPreviewAllowPrint Specifies whether previewed output can be directed to the printer
printPreviewAllowSelect Specifies whether the Print Selected button is displayed during print preview
printPreviewReduce Specifies whether previewed output is reduced to display a full page on the screen
retainCMDValues Specifies whether printer values are retained when the printer is closed
rightMargin Contains the right margin of the printed page of output
suppressDialog Specifies whether the system-supplied print progress dialog is to be displayed
title Contains the title to be displayed on the system-supplied print progress dialog
topOfPage Contains the margin at the top of the printed page of output