Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > invocationMode


Type: Character[1]

The invocationMode property of the MethodCallDesc class contains the mode in which the method was sent its message. The following example shows the use of this method to display the mode.

    mod : MethodCallDesc;
    ...                    // do some processing here
    write mod.invocationMode.Integer.String;

The values of the invocationMode property are listed in the following table.

Value Message sent…
0 From another method, or message was the result of an event
1 To the constructor of the object (that is, the create method of the object)
2 To the destructor of the object (that is, the delete method of the object)
3 To a mapping method to retrieve an attribute value
4 To a mapping method to alter an attribute value