Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > myTabsButton

Type: JadeSkinButton

Availability: Read or write at any time

The myTabsButton property of the JadeSkinFolder class contains a reference to the skin used to draw the tabs of a folder that has the tabsStyle property set to TabsStyle_Buttons (1).

If this property has a null value, no skin is applied to tab buttons.

A button reference may be provided with a sheet skin (for details, see the JadeSkinSheet class myTabButton property). A sheet skin button image overrides any button image provided by the folder.

Defining several sheet skins with different categories enables you to have different images and colors for the tabs of a folder. To achieve this, set the Window::skinCategoryName property on each sheet to match the category of the sheet skin that you require.