Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 3 > Chapter 2 - Window Classes > tabsStyle


Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The tabsStyle property controls whether a Folder control is displayed with sculptured tabs or push buttons.

The values for this property are listed in the following table.

Folder Class Constant Value Description
TabsStyle_Tabs 0 Tabs stay in place on each line, but the currently selected tab line moves to the bottom of the line of tabs (the default). No highlight of an extra pixel is drawn around the current sheet.
TabsStyle_Buttons 1 Buttons push down or come up in place. As the buttons are drawn by using common facilities, they look like standard buttons.
    When the tabsStyle property is set to TabsStyle_Buttons for a Folder control, tabs are drawn using the Button control skin if the application has defined a button skin.
TabsStyle_RightSloped 2 Draws tabs with a sloped right-hand border. Tabs drawn with this style differ from the appearance of the TabsStyle_Tabs style in the following ways.
  • The tabs remain in the same position, as they do with the TabsStyle_Buttons style

  • The current tab is drawn by using the Color_3DHighlight color of the Window class

  • Moving the mouse over the tab of a sheet that is not the current sheet causes that tab to be drawn by using the Color_InfoBk color (bubble help background)

  • The font of the current tab is not drawn bold

  • When the tabsLines property is set to TabsLines_MultiLineEdged (0), the tab rows are offset from the left (as they are for the TabsStyle_Tabs style) but there is no multiple-edged drawing of the sheets themselves

Tab styles have different effects on the appearance of the folder control, as follows.

The following example shows folder tabs with right-sloping borders.