Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > JadeReportWriterReport Class Constants

JadeReportWriterReport Class Constants

The constants provided by the JadeReportWriterReport class for use in the setOutputDestination and setQueryOptions methods are listed in the following table.

Class Constant Integer Value Description
CONCURRENCY_NONE 1 Does nothing during the query evaluation
CONCURRENCY_READ_COMMITTED 3 Resynchronizes every object that is accessed, but holds on to locks on collections
CONCURRENCY_READ_OPTIMISTIC 4 Resynchronizes every object that is accessed, locks objects needed later, and checks the edition (the default value)
CONCURRENCY_READ_PESSIMISTIC 5 Brackets a read-only transaction to ensure that objects referenced after the start of the query and before the end of the query are the latest editions of the objects (that is, acquires an implicit shared lock on each object as it is referenced)
CSV 3 Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file format
DELIMITED_FILE 3 Delimited file format (for example, containing commas, semicolons, tabs, or spaces)
HTML 2 HyperText Markup Language (HTML) file
PRINTER 0 Output to the default printer of the user
RESOURCE_LIMIT_NONE 0 Not applicable (that is, ignored), which is the default value
RESOURCE_LIMIT_READS 1 Maximum number of objects to read
RESOURCE_LIMIT_RESULTS 2 Maximum number of result objects to add
RESOURCE_LIMIT_TIME 3 Maximum number of milliseconds the report query runs
RESOURCE_LIMIT_QUERYOPS 4 Maximum number of query operations
RTF 4 Rich Text File (RTF) file format for Microsoft Word for Windows
TEXT 6 Text (or ASCII) file format, and can contain new page characters
XML 5 Extensible Markup Language (XML) file format

The CSV and DELIMITED_FILE constants, which have the same integer value, are the same format in that in both you can use commas, semicolons, tabs, or spaces as field delimiters. Traditionally, as the name suggests, .csv was applied to files in which only commas could be used as delimiters. CSV is therefore retained as a class constant for JADE Report Writer applications even though it has the same integer value as the DELIMITED_FILE constant.