Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > JadeProfiler Properties

JadeProfiler Properties

The properties defined in the JadeProfiler class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
codeCoverageFileName Contains the name of the file used for code coverage output
fileName Contains the name of the file for profiler output
methodCount Contains the number of methods to profile
profileRemoteExecutions Specifies whether method executions on remote nodes are profiled
reportActualTime Specifies whether method profile times are reported
reportCacheStatistics Specifies whether cache statistics are reported
reportLoadTime Specifies whether method load times are reported
reportMethodSize Specifies whether the size of the method in the cache is reported
reportStatistics Specifies whether profile statistics are reported
reportTotalTime Specifies whether the total profiling time is reported