Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > reassignPatchNumbers


reassignPatchNumbers(schemaName:  String;
                     fromVersion: String;
                     fromPatch:   Integer;
                     toVersion:   String;
                     toPatch:     Integer;
                     entities:    HugeStringArray;
                     errorString: String output): Boolean;

The reassignPatchNumbers method of the JadePatchControlInterface class reassigns entities from one patch to another.

The parameters that specify information for the reassignment are listed in the following table.

Parameter Specifies the…
schemaName Name of schema to which the patches belong
fromVersion System version number from which the patches are moved
fromPatch Patch number from which the patches are moved
toVersion System version number to which the patches are moved
toPatch Patch number to which the patches are moved
entities Array containing the qualified name of the entities to be moved
errorString Description of the error if the reassignment fails

If the entities are successfully reassigned, the method returns true and the value of the errorString parameter is an empty string. If the reassignment fails, the method returns false and the reason for failure is output to the errorString parameter.

The following method shows the use of the reassignPatchNumbers method.

    jpcf :     JadePatchControlInterface;
    entities : StringArray;
    error :    String;
    create jpcf transient;
    create entities transient;
    jpcf.reassignPatchNumbers('ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema', '7.1.03',
                                      400, '7.1.03', 300, entities, error);
    write error;
    delete jpcf;
    delete entities;