Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > JadeMultiWorkerTcpConnection Properties

JadeMultiWorkerTcpConnection Properties

The properties defined in the JadeMultiWorkerTcpConnection class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
connectionId Contains the unique number assigned to the client connection when it opens
currentEventBusyElapsed Contains the elapsed time to date (in microseconds) processing the current event
currentEventBusyWhen Contains the timestamp when processing of the current event started
currentEventQueuedElapsed Contains the elapsed time (in microseconds) the current event spent waiting to be processed
currentEventQueuedWhen Contains the timestamp when the current event was queued
fillReadBuffer Specifies whether the read buffer is filled
idleTimeout Contains the maximum number seconds to wait for idle connections to have no input before causing an IdleTimeout connection event
keepAssigned the Specifies whether the connection is kept assigned after exiting from the callback method
localAddress Contains address of the local side of the connection
localPortnumber Contains the port number of the local side of the connection
remoteAddress Contains the address of the remote side of the connection
remotePortnumber Contains the port number of the remote side of the connection
state Contains the current state of the connection
timeout Contains the number of seconds to wait for a readBinary or writeBinary method call to complete
userObject Contains user-supplied connection-related information between event callbacks
userState Contains a state value between event callbacks