Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > JadeLicenceInfo Properties

JadeLicenceInfo Properties

The properties defined in the JadeLicenceInfo class following a getLicenceInfo method call are summarized in the following table.

Property Contains the …
developmentLicences Maximum number of development licences available for your system
expiryDate Expiry date of your licence or null ("") if perpetual for your system
jadeStandardMin Number of standard fat client runtime licences
jadeThinMin Number of JADE thin client runtime licences
licenceName Licence name of your organization
licenceRestriction Licence restriction, if any, for your system
maxDBSize Maximum database size (in gigabytes) permitted by a compact, enterprise, or free licence
nHtmlThinSessions Number of HTML thin client session licences currently being used
nJadeDevProcesses Number of JADE development licences currently being used
nJadeThinNonJadeDevProcesses Number of JADE thin client process licences currently being used
nNonJadeDevProcesses Number of JADE standard fat client process licences currently being used
nProcessesLeft Number of process licences remaining
processLicences Maximum number of process licenses for your system
uuid Unique identifier for the database