Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > readDataWithLength


readDataWithLength(bin: Binary): Binary;

The readDataWithLength method of the JadeInternetTCPIPConnection class reads a message from the TCP/IP connection expecting it to be formatted so that the first eight bytes contain the length of the message to be read. The bin parameter contains the information already read by the readPipeCallback method.

Data sent from TCP/IP can receive from one to many characters from the readPipeCallback method. This routine then calls the readDataWithLength method, passing the data already received. The readDataWithLength method then reads the rest of the message and returns the message, minus the length characters.

This method can be called only when the value of the Connection class state property is Connected (2).

Only one synchronous or asynchronous read operation can be performed at one time on a connection. See also the Connection class timeout property.