Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 1 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > tableAddItem


tableAddItem(value:       String;
             columnCount: Integer;
             rowAttr:     String;
             cellAttr:    String): String;

The tableAddItem method of the JadeHTMLClass class returns a string containing the <tr> and <td> tags and all data for a table row specified in the value parameter.

The parameters in the tableAddItem method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
value Values for the cells in a row, with each value separated by a tab character.
columnCount Number of columns to create. If there are insufficient values for the columns, the columns at the right of the table are set to blank.
rowAttr Attributes for the table row.
cellAttr Attributes for the table cells.

This method (which is a simpler means of setting up data for a table than the tableAddData method) generates the HTML required for a table row by using the value parameter to fill the table cells. Use the tab character (character code 09) to separate multiple strings that you want inserted into each column of a newly added row.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the tableAddItem method.

tableAddItem("One" & Tab & "Two" & Tab & "Three", 3, "height=15",               "align=right");

This example returns the following.

<tr height =  15>
<td align = right> One </td>
<td align = right> Two </td>
<td align = right> Three </td>